Σάββατο 9 Νοεμβρίου 2019

'Jason + Medea' Stage Performance Workshop by LFacting

REVERSE DRAMATURGY by LFacting - From the relationship to the character and back.

Labros Filippou presents a 2-day Stage Performance Workshop for actors, directors, performers, dancers, poets, writers, musicians, vocalists, acrobats and intermedia artists.

Based on the relationship of ‘Jason + Medea’ (from the Ancient Greek play ‘Medea’, by Euripides).

This class is an exercise about freedom of expression and an educational task about breaking free of all the behavioral patterns and comfort zones that obstruct expression.

Labros Filippou is a well renowned Greek Teacher of Drama and Stage Performance, as well as a multi-disciplinary artist, based in Los Angeles – NYC – Athens, GR.

His natural curiosity about art and life pivotally catapulted his philosophy that artistic expression needs to be nurtured with freedom and truth.

Give no more directions to the artists. Let them do it their way.

The performers will walk on stage naked and clean from all the pre-decided characteristics and behavioral elements of the role, in order for them to witness their own revelation through dialogue. This revelation will “dress the performer up” with all that the 'here and now' suggests.

Relationships can define characters through a simple shape and a clear axis between two or more people. It’s all about perspective. It’s about the Architecture of Relationships.

Find info, reviews and videos about this class at LFacting.com

Dates: 9 & 10 November
Time: 2:30-5:30pm
Location: A.R.T./New York - 138 S. South Oxford Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217
Cost: $140 / Artists who have taken classes with LFacting before will get a 15% discount (Get tickets via Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/LFacting or Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jason-medea-stage-performance-workshop-by-lfacting-tickets-77941949469?aff=eac2)
Capacity: 10 performers

* Please, bring your yoga mat with you for some stretching exercise and any musical instrument, in case you know how to play one in any level.

To submit, please email at lfacting3@gmail.com including your name, age, artistic field and a sentence about why you’d like to take this workshop.

Thank you,
Labros Filippou

Director / Performer
Teacher of Drama and Stage Performance

Los Angeles - NYC - Athens


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