Δευτέρα 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Irini Konsta: Nachtgedanken by Goethe

Nachtgedanken "Night Thoughts" of great German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. 
Music by Panagiotis Karousos. 
 Irini Konsta, soprano 
 Olga Pak, First Violin (Berliner Camerata Konzertmeisterin) 
 Theodosia Ntokou, piano 
Concert with works by the Greek-Canadian composer Panagiotis Karousos in Berlin, presented by the internationally renowned musicians from the Berliner Camerata, violinist Olga Pak, cellist Yann Merker, and the amazing pianist Theodosia. 
Studio Niculescu Berlin, Germany 
 Sunday, October 11, 2015

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  Mετά τις sold out εμφανίσεις της προηγούμενης χρονιάς, το κουαρτέτο του Σταύρου Λάντσια, επιστρέφει στο Half Note Jazz Club παρουσιάζοντας...