Τρίτη 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020

The opera "Prometheus Bound" at Serafio City of Athens

The Museum of School Life and Education of EKEDISY, the Pedagogical Society of Greece and the Arsakeia-Tositseia Schools are co-organizing the 5th Panhellenic Conference entitled "Education in the 21st Century: Development of Critical Thinking, Creativity and Innovation" will be held September 25-27 at Serafio City of Athens (Piraeus & Petrou Ralli).

5th PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE. 21st Century Education: Development of Critical Thinking, Creativity and Innovation. Under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. Presentation of the opera "Prometheus Bound" by Aeschylus with Introductory Seminar "The prosody as a connecting link of the opera with the ancient Greek tragedy".
"Prometheus Bound" by Aeschylus.
Music: Panagiotis Karousos
Direction: Irini Konsta
Prometheus: Vasilis Asimakopoulos
Io: Irini Konsta
Violence: Katerina Botoni
Ocean: Theodoros Birakos
Oceanid: Marianthi Grigoriadou
Piano: Pandelis Legakis
Lecture on Prosody: Panagiotis Karousos
Seminar Coordination: Dr. Koutsoukos Anastasios
Seminar Presentation: Sofia Papadatou
Greeting - presentation: Ioannis Maronitis, President of the Group for UNESCO Piraeus and Islands and International Action Art.
Date: September 25 - 27, 2020 at Serafio of City of Athens contemporary Sports, Culture & Innovation Center (Piraeus & Petrou Ralli).


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