Τετάρτη 21 Αυγούστου 2019

The 15th Foreign Languages Forum & Book Exhibition

The 15th Foreign Languages Forum & Book Exhibition

Alexandroupoli, 25 August 2019 | Astir Alexandroupolis Hotel

Following its success in Athens, Thessaloniki, Patra, Larissa, and Xanthi, this summer the Foreign Languages Forum is coming to the Evros region.

We would be honored by your presence at the plenary sessions and the book exhibition in Alexandroupoli.

The Forum will take place on 25 August at the Astir Alexandroupolis Hotel and features plenary sessions covering a wide range of topics.

Apart from the commercial presentations, the FL Forum and ELT NEWS have planned educational sessions with Agapi Dendaki and Cliff Pary, as well as a business seminar with Dr Konstantinos Georgakas and a special workshop on teaching speaking with Cliff Parry.

In addition, a large resource and book exhibition will give you the opportunity to see the latest ELT publications and services just before the start of the school year.

More info: https://eltnews.gr/alexandroupoli

Register online: https://eltnews.gr/alexandroupoli/participation-form-alexandroupoli

The full programme will be available in July.


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