Τρίτη 4 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

Artists' Dialogues

Ύλη[matter]HYLE (they) present
Artists’ Dialogues
curated by Odette Kouzou

Artists’ Dialogues will take place at Ύλη[matter]HYLE – on Saturday 29th of February 2020 at 4 pm - 7.30 pm. Doors will be open at 3.30 pm and because of limited seating the event is first come first served.

Ύλη[matter]HYLE (they) are happy to host a series of conversations under the title Artists’ Dialogues, aiming to create fruitful encounters between international artists working through the lens of feminism in the intersection of performance art, writing and ritual. The first part of the series will present the interdisciplinary artistic practice of three international artists and researchers, Luisa Marinho, Cornelia Barber and Alexandra P. Tatarsky, based in New York.

With the focus on performance art as a feminist and anti-systemic art Artists’ Dialogues curated by Odette Kouzou will take the form of an one day conference in order to engage the greek art scene in the conversation and inaugurate interdisciplinary research and practice and to create a platform that will connect feminist artists internationally and familiarize their work with specialized and / or broader audiences. Ύλη[matter]HYLE (they) were initiated by performance artist and educator Georgia Sagri in 2013 as a semiprivate/semipublic place in the center of Athens at Omonia square. Operating both as a home and studio Ύλη[matter]HYLE (they) bring together art, politics and sciences as if their coexistence is a new undisciplined field of thought, action and living.

www.hyle.gr Address: Pireos 1, Omonia square, 2nd floor #7, 105 52, Athens GR. The building is located inside the archway and the space is accessible with the elevator on the ground floor. For any additional information please contact odette.kouzou@gmail.com .

Georgia Sagri (n/a) is an artist and scholar. She is the newly appointed Tenure at the School of Fine Arts in Athens position to create the Performance Studio.

Odette Kozou (she) is a curator and scholar (MA in Performance Studies at Tisch School of the Arts/ NYU) and the founder of the organization Performance Society, a non profit organization for feminist artists .

Luisa Marinho (she) is an artist and scholar (MA in Performance Studies at Tisch School of the Arts/ NYU – PS Emerging Scholar Award – and MA in Performance Art at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/UFRJ) from Rio de Janeiro, currently based in New York, working in the crossroads between performance & writing. Her interdisciplinary investigation on memory is guided by the poetics and epistemologies of the diasporic and Native-Brazilian religions.

Cornelia Barber (she) is a writer and training psychoanalyst in NYC. She has written two chapbooks Unconditional Dancing Girl Press, 2017, Pink Metal, Big Lucks, 2019. She has an MA in Performance Studies from the Tisch School of the Arts at NYU. You can find her work in many on and offline publications including The Felt, The Wanderer, Dream POP Press, Queen Mobs Teahouse, The Poetry Project newsletter, Prelude, The Fanzine, Entropy, Luna Luna Magazine and more. She works at the intersections of performance, writing, healing, subjectivity, technology, race, gender and climate. http://wandererpoetry.com/poems-pink-metal-cornelia-barber/

Tatarsky (she/they) make performances at the unfortunate in-between zone of performance art, comedy, dance-theater and deluded rant — sometimes with songs. They perform their work and the work of others at venues including La Mama ETC, MoMA PS1, New Museum, PSNY, The Kitchen, Howl!, Gibney, Skirball, Judson Church, Brooklyn Museum, FringeArts, The Glove and many bars and basements. Writings on spambot lyricism, bootleg t-shirt poetry, and miming as an anti-capitalist gesture can be found in The New Inquiry, Hypocrite Reader, ArtReview Asia, Garlands, Spike, and Folder. Interests include identity construction, humor & the abyss, complicity & self-loathing, meaninglessness, parades, and acrylic nails. They teach on mask performance, holy fools, and performance as a form of community organizing. Their work with Shanzhai Lyric archives and celebrates the innovative nonstandard English of counterfeit garments as a mode of ecriture feminine and has taken the form of installations, publications, group readings, interventions, and talks at Abrons Arts Center, Women's Art Library, Stuart Hall Library, and Clearview. @tar-tar.biz / @shanzhai_lyric

  • Σάββατο, 29 Φεβρουαρίου 2020 στις 4 μ.μ. – 8 μ.μ.
  • Ύλη [matter] HYLE
    Πειραιώς 1 [2ος όροφος], 104 31 Αθήνα


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