Δευτέρα 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2024



Σας προσκαλούμε με χαρά στο πρώτο διήμερο εργαστήριο σωματικού θεάτρου που θα πραγματοποιηθεί στον χώρο του Τεχνουργείου στην Αθήνα.
Θα χρησιμοποιήσουμε εργαλεία σωματικού θεάτρου, του Devised Theatre και του κουκλοθεάτρου για να βυθιστούμε σε μια διαδικασία δημιουργίας που διερευνά την ταυτότητα ως ένα δοχείο των προσωπικών μας εμπειριών και του περιβάλλοντος στο οποίο είμαστε μέρος.
Θα διερευνήσουμε την έκφραση φύλου, τα στερεότυπα και τις ιδιαιτερότητες των σωμάτων μας. Θα κινηθούμε και θα παίξουμε με το δυναμικό του ποιητικού σώματος του ηθοποιού, των δυνατοτήτων του να μετασχηματίζεται και να μεταμορφώνεται μέσα από τη σχέση του με τα άλλα σώματα, τα αντικείμενα και τις δυναμικές του χώρου.
Στόχος μας είναι να δημιουργήσουμε και να επινοήσουμε μαζί, ως συλλογικότητα, το σώμα της ταυτότητάς μας. Θα παρατηρήσουμε και θα ερευνήσουμε τα δικά μας μοτίβα κίνησης, δράσεις, φωνές και προσωπικά τοπία και πώς ζουν στη σκηνή ως χαρακτήρες.
Σάββατο: 10 α.μ. - 3 μ.μ
Κυριακή: 10 α.μ. - 3 μ.μ
Κόστος: 100 ευρώ για 2 ημέρες
80 ευρώ για Early Bird έως 8 Φεβρουαρίου.
80 ευρώ για φοιτητ@.
1 δωρεάν θέση για trans/non binary καλλιτεχν@.
1 δωρεάν θέση για καλλιτεχν@ που δεν μπορεί να συμμετέχει οικονομικά στο εργαστήριο.
Πληροφορίες και κρατήσεις θέσεων:
Χώρος Διεξαγωγής: Τεχνουργείο, Ψαρών 63, Αθήνα 104 39
*Κατάλληλο για όσες, όσ@, όσους ηθοποιούς, καλλιτεχν@, χορεύτριες/ές/ά θέλουν να εξερευνήσουν το θέμα της ταυτότητας μέσα από εργαλεία σωματικού θεάτρου και όσ@ ενδιαφέρονται να εντάξουν τα εργαλεία αυτά στην καλλιτεχνική ή θεραπευτική δουλειά τους ή για την προσωπική τους ανάπτυξη.
Το εργαστήριο θα είναι στην Ελληνική και Αγγλική γλώσσα και θα υπάρχει μετάφραση στα ελληνικά.
This is a two day workshop, where we will use performative physical theatre tools to immerse ourselves in a creation process that explores identity as a container of our personal experiences and the environment we are part of: our culture, context, social norms, gender roles, age expectations.
We will explore gender expression, stereotypes and the peculiarities of our bodies. We will play with the potential of shapeshifting, amplified poetic body of the actor and their relationship with other bodies and space.
We are aiming to create and devise together, as a collective. We’ll observe and research our own movement patterns, actions, voices and personal landscapes and how they live on stage as characters.
Training of own spatial dynamics and in relation to others. Observation, testing and training.
Plateau work, incidence of physical dynamics on dramatic tensions: work inspired by scenic weight, hierarchies, chorus and coryphaeus.
Development of images and text derived from the exchange, in search of one's own and the collective's poetics.
Imaginary and collective creation, bringing into play the intimate, the public and the private. Opening towards a personalized field of action.
Suitable for actors and performers from any background interested in expanding their practical skills.
To Book please e-mail:
Address: Τεχνουργείο, Ψαρών 63, Αθήνα 104 39
Saturday: 10am - 3pm
Sunday: 10am - 3pm
Cost: 100 euros for 2 days
80 euros for Early Bird till 8th of February.
80 euros for students.
1 free bursary for a trans/non binary artist contact via e-mail.
1 free bursary for an artist who cannot afford the workshop.
About the Facilitators:
Nela Fortunato (she-they) is an Argentine performer-director-writer-producer-facilitator. Member of the company UEA (immersive, site-specific performance). A graduate of Andamio90, she specialized in physical theatre and masks at LISPA: London International School of Performing Arts, with a full course scholarship. Also trained in dance & clown, Nela researches movement dynamics and stages them in various formats: plays, installations, festivals; as well as she teaches and tutors creative processes. In 2023 she performed A curious voyage, with the Canadian company Talk is free; El Partidito and Usted Está Aquí 10 años, in Buenos Aires. She ran a second season of their play SOPA (author/director/producer), which toured whithin Argentina, where she taught their intensive course Dramaturgia de los cuerpos. They produced the play Diosa, by transgender artist Ambar Vega and Paula Baró; was part of FIBA, Buenos Aires International Theatre Festival, in many editions: producing Desvío Este (Germany), assisting Chilean play Reminiscencias, and Scottish artist Claire Cunningham with Give me a reason to live. In 2021 she presented Curandera at the Mucho Gustok Festival, in Villa Meliquina and taught multidisciplinary workshops in Villa La Angostura. In 2020, she created the online-theatre piece Latitude Solitude (author/performer) selected by the AFO theater in New York, for AFO Solo Shorts, nominated for the Drama League Awards 2021. In 2019, she created the performance Syris for Luna de Cortos short film festival (Spain) and presented their interactive piece A la Carte at Casa Brandon Bs As & Post, London, UK. Right now they are about to lead an Exploration on SOPA, in Lalaspiti, Athens, and will be teaching in Timbre4 Madrid in March 2024.
Mayra Stergiou (She/her) is a Greek queer Performer, Director and Dramatherapist. Her performance practice is strongly movement based, scenography led and experimental. She trained in Lecoq Devised Theatre and Performance at London International School of Performing Arts (LISPA) and in Dramatherapy at University of Derby (MA). Over the years she has performed and directed Physical Theatre plays, opera and new music pieces in various theatres and festivals across UK and internationally. In 2013 she co founded Visual and Physical Theatre company, Vertebra Theatre, where she is the Artistic Director since. She has trained in a variety of Physical and Ritualistic Theatre Practices such as Theodoros Terzopoulos Method, Voice Coordination with Grzegorz Bral (Song of the Goat), in Martial Arts and Contact Improvisation. She is currently an Associate Lecturer at MSc Creative Computing at University of the Arts and she has taught workshops on Puppetry, Embodiment and Mask Work at various institutions such as MFA Scenography at RCSSD and University of Roehampton. She is currently undertaking an Mphil in Performance Practice at Guildhall School of Music and Drama researching staging trauma through embodied materiality.
Full CV: www.maystergiou.com

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