Τετάρτη 22 Οκτωβρίου 2014

The fine artist Vasiliki Sargologou (Automatic hand painting)

Vasiliki was born to Greek parents in a desert oasis in the depths of Asia.

Legendary cities such as Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara.
Slow rhythms, burning winds and camels. Quiet neighborhoods with respected elders and smiling children. Gardens filled with roses, strawberries and sweet scented melons.
Friendly, cool homes with handmade rugs on the walls and floors. The scripture of the palaces of the East and the intricate designs of Persian carpets became for Vasiliki, her first teachers of geometry.
Vasiliki transformed the fairy tales of Sachrazant, the warmth and the inertia of those years in a mosaic of geometric shapes.
Her works are reminiscent of the crowded and vibrant colors of bazaars, the perpetual spiral movement of the dervish, and the severe eerie atmosphere of Muslim temples.
Like most left handed people living in a clockwise world, the artist experiences the conflict between intuition and logic, impulse and control, “must do and want to”. Thus, while as a child she adores the theatre and music, she studies at the Polytechnic and pursues a career as an electrical engineer. At the same time she devotes her time to her family. Her inquisitive and thirsty mind
leads her along infinite paths. After two decades of spiritual wandering she reaches the conclusion that the source of wisdom and love are within us. During this exciting time of the dawn of new millennium she unfolds the main thrust of inspiration and walks through the labyrinth of her own magical world.
Since the summer of 2004, with the help of compass and ruler Vasiliki creates a new language narration. She converges the two opposite – the linear, rational thinking with the passion of the dreamer. Order and chaos. One year later the structures she uses collapse in order to release a torrent of signals, vibrations and messages. The result which emerges from her hands is unique – mandalas, multidimensional entities and heavenly states.
The author avoids to guide the viewer’s imagination with descriptions, interpretations and names. Instead, she lets her work influence directly and without obstruction so as to awaken cellular memories and provide a guide for the future.
The new art of symbols is universal because it doesn’t stumble upon the limitation of words, attitudes and beliefs. The geometric sets are bathed in light, are dressed in colors, they praise and celebrate their existence.
Like a truly proud hostess, Vasiliki invites the world to this great universal celebration!
Helen Alagianni

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