Τετάρτη 1 Ιουλίου 2020

European Congress | Culture & Innovation

Within the European project
SMATH, an online European Congress will be held on July 2nd, 2020 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. addressing the topic of Culture & Innovation and the creation of "Smart atmospheres of social and financial innovation for innovative culture clustering".

This event will bring together leading experts from French and European institutions as well as representatives of the public and private sector from the creative and cultural industries. They will question in particular the weight of culture in our economy and its role in territorial development as well as the way in which the cultural sector can act as catalyst of social, technological and artistic innovation or to participate in the economic revival after the CODIV-19 crisis.

This European Congress, organized by Pôle Culture et Patrimoines of Arles, is intended for all those interested in these issues and more particularly to European professionals in the creation and innovation sectors, cultural and economic operators, but also to elected officials and public decision-makers.

Stay tuned on the 2nd of July for a live-streaming event starting at 2 pm on the Youtube channel of Pôle Culture & Patrimoines.

#EuropeanCongress #Culture_Innovation

#SMATHMED #SMATHeuproject #CreativeIndustries #CCIs #MadeinMED #MadewithInterreg #EUinmyRegion

  • Πέμπτη, 2 Ιουλίου 2020 στις 2 μ.μ. – 6 μ.μ. 
  • Online εκδήλωση

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