Τρίτη 8 Ιανουαρίου 2019

Transformations and Challenges of Citizens' European Identity

This talk will explore the nature of European identity and empirically assess how widespread it is and what it means to citizens. It will also discuss the consequences of European identity on European solidarity, on the split of European societies, and on the transforming nature of protest and Euroscepticism across our continent. From reactions to the Greek crisis to the vote of a majority of British people to leave the European Union, plenty have questioned whether recurrent crises have betrayed the failed emergence of a European identity. Yet, a third of British people - and half of those aged 18-25 - declared to have tears in their eyes when they discovered the results of the Brexit referendum.

Speaker: Michael Bruter, Professor of Political Science and European Politics, LSE

Chair: Kevin Featherstone, Eleftherios Venizelos Professor of Contemporary Greek Studies; Head of the European Institute, LSE

Discussant: Effie Fokas, Senior Research Fellow at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy

Admission: The event is free and open to all; Registration is required.

Further information: lse.ac.uk/ho/events

Twitter hashtag for this event: #LSEGreece

Πέμπτη, 17 Ιανουαρίου 2019 στις 7 μ.μ. – 8:30 μ.μ
NBG, Megaron Karatza, Aiolou 82, 105 51


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