Τετάρτη 5 Νοεμβρίου 2014

The Annual Clergy Retreat for all the Clergymen of our Metropolis

The Annual Clergy Retreat for all the clergymen of our Metropolis is taking place in Kingston, Ontario from November 4-6, 2014.  Two deacons, more than 50 priests, Bishop Christoforos and Metropolitan Sotirios are participating in this Retreat.  The first to speak at this Retreat was Metropolitan Sotirios who spoke on the theme “What does our yes to God mean?” and emphasized that all the themes that will be discussed at the Clergy Laity Conference in 2015 will revolve around this central theme.  In addition, Metropolitan Sotirios spoke on matters concerning our clergymen and emphasized that everything must be discussed in a familial spirit because truly we are a spiritual family.

Three topics were discussed so far with the presenters being Fr. D. Antonopoulos on the theme “The priest as a prototype before the people in parish life”, Fr. T. Prattas on the theme “Following our spiritual obligations with thoughtful self control - committing to spiritual growth and awareness; Obedience; Approaching the Holy Cup - are we prepared?", and Fr. C. Economos on the theme “Integrity in youth ministry”.

An evening Divine Liturgy was celebrated on Tuesday night at Koimisis Tis Theotokou Greek Orthodox Community, in Kingston, and all the clergymen present for the Retreat participated and Metropolitan Sotirios presided.  During the Divine Liturgy, Dn. Andrew Allen was ordained to the Holy Order of the Priesthood.

The Community of Kingston offered a dinner to all clergymen and the entire congregation after the Divine Liturgy and ordination.

The Annual Clergy Retreat will continue with the remaining topics that will be presented by Fr. P. Avgeropoulos on the theme “The priest as the servant of the truth”, Fr. A. Bandura on the theme “Current pastoral challenges faced by brother clergy”, and Fr. T. Paraskevopoulos on the theme “Let your yes be yes, and your no be no - the path to sanctification”, and the work of the Retreat will end on Thursday, November 6, 2014.

From the Office of the Holy Metropolis of Toronto (Canada)

November 5, 2014

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