Σάββατο 6 Ιουνίου 2020

Be Creative Fashion Week 12-14 June 2020

I am delighted to share with you this season during London Fashion Week Men’s 12-14 June 2020 an exciting schedule which will offer:

♦Interview with fashion creatives

♦Articles, presentations of British and Greek designers

♦The Dreamers show us the way: five years London Fashion Week photography exhibition by Think-Feel-Discover.com at the Hellenic Photographic Society.

The Hellenic Photographic Society (HPS) was founded in 1952 and was the sole attraction of creative photographers in the 50s, 60s and 70s. In sort, the Hellenic Photographic Society is a member of F.I.A.P. (Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique – International Federation of Photographic Art) since 1954 and is the sole representative in Greece. Since September 2005, the HPS is one of the 28 founding members of “Photo Festival Union”, which the largest Photo Festival in the world.

♦Showrooms and collections presentations

♦Go LIVE on Instagram and Facebook, talk with fashion creatives.

#BeCreative Fashion Week 12-14 June 2020 by Think-Feel-Discover during London Fashion Week Men’s is the time to let the Dreamers show us the way in fashion.

  • 12 Ιουν στις 6 μ.μ. – 14 Ιουν στις 9 μ.μ.
  • Online εκδήλωση

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