Τετάρτη 3 Ιουνίου 2020

Film Screening | Earth: Seen from the Heart

This year, we would like to celebrate World Environment Day with the screening of the critically acclaimed documentary "Earth: Seen from the Heart" (English subtitled version of "La Terre vue du coeur").

The film will be made available for a period of four hours. An online streaming link will be posted on this event page on Friday June 5 at 7:30PM and will remain available until 11:30PM.

This event has limited spaces available, which means you must register your interest to participate. Click "going" to attend the virtual screening and receive a notification when the link is published.

About the film:
Scientists, writers and artists join Hubert Reeves and Frédéric Lenoir to sound a warning: biodiversity is under threat. While some humans are responsible for this crisis, others, in growing numbers, are tackling it head on and forging solutions.

In this film dedicated to future generations, they remind us that life in all its forms is a fascinating and touching mystery ... and that it is up to us to preserve it!

Watch trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQEBf2unwJA

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